Tuesday, June 11, 2002

The Washington Post lost no time in denouncing the treatment of Jose Padilla, but one has to ask, with citizens like this, who needs enemies?

Eugene Volokh has discussed the problems with terminating his citizenship. We might need a new law.

Personally, I think we should provide a preliminary proceeding to determine whether someone like this still can claim citizenship, but it shouldn't be automatic, in case we want to charge him with treason. Just because treason is defined in the Constitution, however, is no reason why we can't add some additional offenses with slightly different elements. How about engaging in or conspiracy to engage in terrorism against American citizens and military personnel?

We also need some way to declare war against NGOs like al Qaeda, Hezballlah, Islamic Jihad, etc. so that Congress can declare a state of war and invoke all Constitutional provisions involved therein.


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