Barry Strauss (via Instapundit) writes: "[T]his skeptical Yankee proposes the following rule of thumb: the more the Europeans talk morality, the more they mean power."
It's a good and true line and it applies also to most American liberals, including environmentalists. It's the Elsworth Toohey factor. They don't want to soil themselves with weapons or money, but they feel entitled to direct everyone else's thoughts and behavior. I used to wince at the Birch Society's billboards demanding that we get out of the U.N., but now that it's become such a bastion of political correctness, I think it's a good time to follow that advice. I am truly sick and tired of people calling NPR and complaining that Bush isn't obeying International Law, as if there were such a thing. When International Law can punish Saddam or Russia or China for their crimes, I might start to believe in its existence, but, even then, I'm not going to submit to the jurisdiction of an organisation that includes Sudan on its Human Rights committee.
[Update:] This piece on TCS reinforces my point about environmentalists.
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