I've been ill with cellulitis so I haven't been able to blog much. I'm a slow reader and a slower typist under the best of conditions, so I'll leave it to Mr. Den Beste to be the voice of reason, which Glenn Reynolds is only part of the time.
Suffice it to say that Germany and France have sold their birthrights for a mess of pottage. War is frightening, but it won't go away if we stick our heads in the sand. My parents' generation ought to have learned that. I did too, but then I wasn't educated in the Ivy League or Berkeley or Stanford. I'm not sophisticated enough to see how it can be that if we don't stand up to aggressors, they'll go away. The people attacking Bush today are the same ones who told us that Reagan was going to get us into WWIII, but from where I sit, Bill Clinton caused 9/11, and I am not going to trust his ilk anymore.
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