Friday, January 23, 2004

So I followed Instapundit's link to The Daily Kos . . .

This is the liberal, openminded, free thinkers left? The posting reads like a leftist version of the Aryan Nations, with George Bush as the Jews. Here's a sample:
I concede that I always find myself astraddle the fence. The Democratic Party leadership and Democratic Presidents have disappointed me over and over again since I became politically active 40 years ago. Today, the leadership?’s lack of anger ?… no, scratch that, rather the lack of openly displayed frothing rage at the machinations and manipulations of this horrible administration nauseates me, practically on a daily basis.
Kinda makes you want to drop by for a friendly discussion about politics, no? Like calling Hugh Hewitt up to defend USC, except these guys aren't kidding. I get the feeling that if any conservative posted a comment there, they'd hunt him down and pound a Dean yard sign through his heart. Generally, this kind of bitter rancor drives me away from people, even when I agree with their politics.

Kos himself seems pretty rational, writing a review of Dean's interview on ABC with Dianne Sawyer which I agreed with from what I saw of it. I thought Dean's warwhoop was used pretty unfairly against him, after I saw the video. Other than making me worry about his blood pressure, it didn't seem that out of bounds for a political pep talk. Still, I have to wonder if Dean's main attraction thus far hasn't been his anger. There he was in a sweater beside his wife as she tells the world that he really isn't that angry. I guess it's just Bush that gets to him. He doesn't show anywhere near that kind of irritation with Osama bin Laden or Saddam. Apparently, what really brings out his rage is the fact that there's a Republican in the White House who didn't just turn around and go home after the U.N. refused to support the overthrow of the most hideous criminal since Joseph Stalin.

Of course, most of us would be more upset with the people who engineered the 9/11 attacks and decide that the best way to go after terrorists would be to try to change the kind of governments who give them shelter and support, and look for a strategic place to start to make the point that we're not going to repeat the weak-kneed responses of the last 20 years to atrocities against us. But I guess there are people who are so offended by their loss of power that they can't get to that point in analyzing our situation.


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