Friday, May 07, 2004

I think Tom Friedman should resign . . .

for his stupid column yesterday, along with everybody up his chain of command. Having Donald Rumsfeld resign to atone for the sins of some deviates in the military police is not the example we want to give the third world, which is already plagued by government instability and coup d'etats. What we should be doing is exactly what the military was doing when this media storm exploded because someone leaked evidence to the press. Of course, we can't demand accountability from the media, because our courts have decided that they have none. How about requiring Seymore Hersh and everybody at CBS News to give up their jobs for violating the rights of the defendants in the Abu Ghraib scandal and obstructing justice by endangering a successful prosecution? How about all those in Congress who voted to appropriate funds which ended up paying these lowlifes, including those who voted for it before they voted against it?

It's easy for politicians and journalists to call for resignations, but I notice that Howell Raines took his time before dutifully falling on his sword, and he had a much smaller chain of authority between himself and Jayson Blair. Maybe we ought to have a rule that everybody who calls for someone else's resignation should have to take over their job one like it. Of course, not of these people has the ability to manage an organization the size of the Defense Department. Most of them only know how to craft snotty criticisms of the ones who are actually doing things.


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