Friday, July 22, 2005

Press Watchdogs on the alert. Sic 'em!

In the absence of any real evidence, the MSM is busy building an image of Justice Roberts' wife as a right-wing extremist. The fact that she has been active in anti-abortion groups is red meat for the left who are pulling at the traces to go after this nominee, and the obvious inference is that he will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. He might, but if he does, it will be on a sound legal and Constitutional basis. The willingness of the courts to strike down democratically enacted laws with the excuse that someone's rights are abused has done enormous harm and created the opposite of "domestic tranquility" and harmed the basic rule of our republic: This is a republic, which means that the people govern, not a king, emperor or oligarch. The ACLU is not the government, nor is it entitled to write the law for the rest of us, no matter how much it reassures us that it only represents what all Americans want.

So Mrs. Roberts belongs to Feminists for Life. Tom Daschle's wife is a lobbyist, and President Clinton's wife parlayed her name recognition into a Senate seat. A lot of Senators' spouses are active in organizations they agree with. Should we judge them all by what their spouses say and do or assume that they can't do their jobs?

Update: Paul Mirengoff notes the the WaPo story as well. Last night on Fox News I saw a clip of protesters marching back and forth in front of Justice Roberts' suburban home. I wonder how the neighbors liked that. This is one of the best examples of the kind of nuisances that have been unleashed by our obsession with civil liberties. If there were ever a case for the right to be let alone, it should be this. I don't think Justice Brandeis would appreciate his home being picketted. I think he'd have called the cops.


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