Saturday, November 26, 2005

They're not ignorant; they're ignernt!

Today Glenn Reynolds linked to this piece of his from three years ago about the wacko stuff people say about space, such as the claim that mining on the moon would disturb its orbit.

The trouble with such people isn't just that they don't know what they're talking about. It's that they think they do and that everybody else is being perverse and oppositional because they're trying to destroy the earth to satisfy their greed. Sadly, our schools are promoting this kind of thinking and if not actually teaching it, they fail to teach critical thinking skills, leaving kids to learn them from television advertising. Michael Crichton's book, State of Fear describes this phenomenon quite well, if spicing it up with suspense and some eco-wackos plotting to add credence to global warming by giving Mother Nature a high-tech shove timed to boost fundraising events.

It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so many celebrities and gullible media types who give these ideas undue publicity and credence. They hate Bush because he refused to sign the Kyoto treaty, failing to mention that it was voted down in the Senate around 90 to 10.

I'm beginning to think that Golgafrincham was onto something with its B Ark Plan.

I don't know if the way Utahns use the word ignorant (pronounced "ignernt") as a synonym for rude, uncivil ot just ornery (pronounced "awnry") is common anywhere else. But that's what these people are.


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