Friday, December 02, 2005

Terrorism as a cottage industry

Apparently, Al Qaeda has become a sort of microlender to a number of local terrorist franchises with names like "Supporters of the Sunni People; the Men's Faith Brigade; the Islamic Anger, Al Baraa bin Malik Suicide Brigade; the Tawid Lions of Abdullah ibn al Zobeir."
While some of them, like the Suicide Brigade, claim an affiliation with Al QaedaTM in Mesopotamia and Al QaedaTM.

Highly visible groups like Al Qaeda, Ansar al Sunna and the Victorious Army Group appear to act as fronts, the Iraqis and the Americans say, providing money, general direction and expertise to the smaller groups, but often taking responsibility for their attacks by broadcasting them across the globe. . . .
So it's a kind of small business franchise deal. Now if we could get the SBA over there and teach them how to run a business that doesn't kill your employees.


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