Thursday, March 09, 2006

Democrats grab sand.

I wouldn't say "arrogant." More like bizarrely inept. They can't even make a contract with each other, let alone with America.

Republicans aren't terribly adroit themselves. If they had a clue they'd be refuting the media picture of Iraq in chaos, as Donald Rumsfeld is doing.

It's not that hard for people to understand that when Bush told us this would be a long struggle, he meant it, or to understand why this will take time. Rumsfeld nailed it, by citing a statement from the Truman administration. If our media had been this dishonest during the Cold War, we'd still be struggling with the Soviet Union. Why do they expect the struggle against radical Islamo-fascism to be different?

If anything, Muslims have been burning themselves in effigy by their superstitious reactions to criticism. The rest of the world is starting to think we should let them eat their oil.


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