Monday, May 08, 2006

Lawyers and Priests

I have mixed feelings about suing the Catholic Church over old child abuse claims. On one hand, I think the church brought this on itself by covering up the problem for so long and by its doctrine of celibacy, which is not scriptural. One the other hand, I really dislike the fact that lawyers collect a third to a half of all the damages. This has got to be addressed, but won't be as long as politicians get donations from trial lawyers. A few years ago the LDS church was sued in Oregon or Washington over an old man who molested a kid. The molester had no connection to the church beyond being a member and the kid's mother had allowed him to stay in her home knowing the guy's history as a sex offender.
Nevertheless, the church says it had encountered an unfriendly judge and settled for $3 million because it was cheaper than the attorney fees it would incur in appealing the matter. I guess it was a matter of following the Lord's injunction in Matthew 5:25.


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