Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Blather

ABC News, apparently unsatisfied with bagging Foley is still after Haster. Three more former pages have come forward with stories about contacts from Foley which are stomach-turning. Why only now? Hey, instant fame, baby! Foley is a creep, but that's not news. The report that Hastert knew Foley was gay doesn't necessarily put him on notice that Foley was a virtual predator. I say virtual because we haven't heard anything that indicates that he actually had physical contact with these kids. Until there's such proof, he's still not in the same league as Studds and Crane. ABC is taking the position that Hastert should have started a criminal investigation as soon as he heard about the first few emails, which were innocuous, because he knew Foly was gay. If he had, would ABC have congratulated on his foresight or called it harassment and a witch hunt?

The ABC blog calls itself The Blotter. It's certainly intent on blotting out people's careers, but not if they're Democrats.


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