Saturday, July 17, 2010

It happened in over a year ago!

I just stumbled onto Wikileaks, an organization to facilitate the leaking of secrets by publishing them anonymously and defending whistle blowers. It claims to be dedicated to "principled leaking," but I couldn't find anything that defines the principles under which it would refuse to participate in a leak. J. Christian AdamsC a former DOJ attorney have criticized the decision not to follow through on the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party for incidents during the 2008 election in Philadelphia. The news media, other than Fox News Channel and conservative bloggers and magazines has ignored the story, but it seems to be picking up steam, as other former DOJ attorneys have come forward to support allegations of pro-Panther racism in the handling of the case.

A word search of WikiLeaks' site for "J. Christian Adams" returned 5 matches but none to the full name. I guess his case is against their principles.

UPDATE: The Ombudsman at the Washington Post wonders why his papern' took so long to cover the panthergate story:
Thursday's Post reported about a growing controversy over the Justice Department's decision to scale down a voter-intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party. The story succinctly summarized the issues but left many readers with a question: What took you so long?

For months, readers have contacted the ombudsman wondering why The Post hasn't been covering the case. The calls increased recently after competitors such as the New York Times and the Associated Press wrote stories. Fox News and right-wing bloggers have been pumping the story. Liberal bloggers have countered, accusing them of trying to manufacture a scandal.

But The Post has been virtually silent.
If it had been white supremacists and the Bush administration, they'd have been all over it for months, Maybe the WaPo reporters just need some more Republican and conservative "sources." I've heard or read that a lot of well-paid "journalists" are pretty lazy, expecting to have their stories leaked to them or pre-written as press releases. I hope that's not true. That could really hurt their business.

This "culture of corruption" must extend beyond the White House.


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