It's been a tedious day between the Trayvon Martin case being raised to a cause celebre by the President saying "it should be a time of soul searching for us all," as if if were a societal decision to kill this young man. And saying he looked like a son Obama might have had, apropos of absolutely nothing, but capable of inciting a lot of silly consclusions. Outside of this, we've been listening to Santorum's self-destruction, followed by his angry attempts to blame it on Mitt Romney. Forget it Rick, it's politics. You gave it a good shot, but came up short. You should be closing this out gracefully instead of making Mitt you be'te noir. The real enemy is Obama and if you can't even admit that Romney would be immeasurably better, you ought to shut up for awhile. You're looking foolish.
Strutting and fretting in an insane world.
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