Sunday, August 08, 2004

The Swift Boat Vets are proving seaworthy!

They've been threatened by Kerry's lawyers, but aren't backing down. The msm (mainstream media)and the left aren't interested in investigating their claims, but the pro-war and conservative blogosphere sure is, and the results are persuasive. The trick will be getting the facts out.

Update: The Kerry campaign has now conceded that he wasn't in Cambodia on Christmas eve 1968, but still claim that he was there. Veterans say that he couldn't have been in a Swift Boat and in Cambodia. Now he's saying that he was there with a team of Navy SEALS. Read this interview and this bleat. Democrats started all this by following Michael Moore down the Bush Was a Deserter alley, and they deserve to get mugged. Kerry's new versions have as many holes as the first one. Do the Dems really want to elect someone who will be torn in pieces when the press turns on him and keeps this story alive after they get rid of Bush.
That would surely be good for Hillary.


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