Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Talk of Secession

Tony Blankley, discussing the calls among Democrat elites for secession by the Blue States, writes that there is "a cancer in the soul of that party."

I wonder if they will also want to deport those within those states who voted for Bush. The Book of Mormon contains many warnings against contention, i.e. the angry behavior we're seeing now on the left. It's a way to lose the spirit of God, which is one of peace. There is a difference between advocacy and adverseness. One is positive and the other will tip over the game board if it's losing.

Martin Peretz in the Wall St. Journal has some observations on the anger of many liberal elites toward the electorate:
the extreme and bitter judgments against the citizenry after this election are especially tendentious. For what the electorate did on Nov. 2 was essentially (or maybe just merely) turn down John Kerry, a candidate who until very late in the Democratic primaries was almost no one's choice as the nominee, the party's last option because it could rally around no one else. What a pathetic vessel in which to have placed liberalism's hopes!

The essence of political success is when you lose figure out why and change it. The Dems nominated a stiff to run against a man they hated. Now they're mad at the people for not electing him. That bodes well for Republicans in the future.


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