Friday, October 06, 2006

Masterpiece of Understatement

Dan Henninger obverves:
There is much in American life that doesn't seem "obvious" anymore. Call it the transgendering of reality.

This compulsion to ambiguity is the reason that both the politicians and the reporters writing about the Foley affair have been describing what the congressman did as "inappropriate."
I think it's sinking in that Foley is not known to have actually touched any of the boys he wrote to. There may still be evidence out there, but if they have it and are holding it to release in the future, it could blow back on the media and the Dems. Foley is already being investigated. Such a revelation would simply seal his fate, not create a shockwave like the original story did. A lot of young people accustomed to late night talk show humor are rolling their eyes over the fuss being made.


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