The weirdest is his promise: "within weeks of being inaugurated, I will go to the U.N. and I will literally, formally rejoin the community of nations." He's been saying this as part of his stump speech.
That should be quite a sight, seeing him go before the General Assembly and do what? Ask to have our membership back? I was unaware that we had resigned, even if it's looking more and more like we were playing piano in a whorehouse.
Update: Tonight, on Brit Hume's program, he interviewed
Kenneth Timmerman, who has just written
The French Betrayal of America. From what he reports, France owes us an apology:
NRO: How close was the relationship between Saddam and Chirac?
Timmerman: Like lips and teeth.
He is confirming all our worst suspicions and more. He said that Chirac and DeVillepin promised Bush and Colin Powell that they would absolutely support the U.N. Resolution to authorize regime change in Iraq, and then sandbagged us. Some allies.
I looked for evidence that
Timmerman is some kind of crank, but other than being published by
Crown Forum I couldn't find anything. He seems to have excellent sources and long familiarity with French politics. Read the second link on his name.
I have to say that his reporting makes Kerry's plan look worst than stupid. If the press were as skeptical and adversarial to Kerry's promises as it is toward Bush, this alone would be enough to sink his candidacy. He looks like a cuckold going to his wife's paramour to ask when she can come home. Mr. War Hero, eh?