It shouldn't have taken
Patrick Fitzgerald two years to figure out that the law was not violated by telling a reporter that Valerie Plame was Joe Wilson's wife and that she worked for the CIA. All he had to do was read the statute and read the facts that were in the newspapers. If he had done that, Judy Miller wouldn't have had to go to jail for contempt, Scooter Libby wouldn't be indicted, and Washington could have been saved a lot of wasted time.
Anyone with any smarts saw what was going on from the start. The Democrats having voting in large numbers to authorize the war in Iraq, are now desperate to deny that support, and to blame it on Bush for "misleading them." Of course, Bush was also misled by the CIA, into believing there were WMD in Iraq, as opposed to all the acres and acres of various kinds of munitions lying around in the country free for the taking.
That wasn't hard to believe since Saddam had been developing nukes prior to the 1991 war and had used nerve gas on the Kurds, which proved that he had the knowhow to make it, and he had pesticide factories far larger than were needed by the Iraqi agricultural economy which could supply the basic precursors for such weapons.
Now the Democrats have decided that "Bush lied!" will be their campaign strategy for next year's midterm elections and seeing Bush's poll number slide are trying to make them slide further. This is
now a political war to sell the big lie that Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq, and excuse Dems who vociferously called Saddam a threat, which
he was. They have two allies in this, the CIA and the MSM.
Scootergate is just a battle in this political war, one that should not have taken place, because the story of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame is a manufactured scandal. Plame was not a covert agent at the time her employment by the CIA was made public. Being a classified employee is not the same thing. The story has all the earmarks of a political IED and when someone said something to Novak, the thing blew up. But since there was
nothing to the story, two years later no indictment other than lying about something that wasn't a crime.
Maybe we need to put these investigations up for bid. I could have saved the DOJ a boatload of money. Why Libby was socializing with a New York Times reporter, is the biggest question I have. He deserves to get fired, but not charged with a felony.