The Harping begins
The new song of the left is that the attacks in London disprove Bush's claim that by fighting terrorists there we won't have to face them here. Of course they ignore the point that Britain's Muslims are less assimilated into British society than those here and that they have ignored radical preachers in British mosques fomenting terrorism and hatred of the very society that harbors them.
This will supplement the "Bush lied about WMD!" chorus. Long live polyphony.
The NYTimes counsels fear and blames the "quagmire":
That fear has already led to questions about why the British security agencies did not anticipate the attacks, why the wealthy nations have not done enough about the root causes of terrorism and why Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden continue to function after almost four years of the so-called war on terrorism. Many will wonder why the United States is mired in Iraq while Al Qaeda's leader still roams free.
Hugh Hewitt calls for taking the GWOT seriously as a war, but isn't hopeful that the left will get it, ands asks what it will take, if 9/11 and all the terrorist attacks before and since haven't done it. All that really matters to them is that they've been shut out from controlling any part of the Federal Government. There no longer seems to be anything on the left like the loyal opposition. Oops! Sorry. Did I impugn your patriotism?
The Book of Mormon was written for our time, as a heads up for the kinds of attacks on our freedom and faith that will arise in the latter days. This situation is there.
James Taranto has a great collection of the anti-war reaction to the London bombings, including claims that "the wealthy nations have not done enough about the root causes of terrorism." Bush's strategy is aimed directly at the root causes of terrorism, but the NYTimes seems to think that those roots are actually in Africa's poverty. If we were to overthrow every dictator and warlord in that continent, it would do a great deal to end poverty, but the left always wants to fight poverty by pouring money down the same old rat holes.