Area 51 aircraft
I love stories like this!
Strutting and fretting in an insane world.
Pat Shipman defends evolution with paranoia:
Do not mistake my objection. If my neighbors and their children wish to believe in Intelligent Design as a matter of faith that is fine with me. What I object to most strenuously is the presentation of a religious belief as a scientific theory in a science class.. . .When someone defends his position with anger, dire warnings and hyperbole, I get suspicious.
The threat posed by ID became more real to me when colleagues at Ohio State University . . . became involved in an extraordinary situation. A Ph.D. candidate in science education, high school teacher Bryan Leonard, wrote a dissertation on the following research questions: "When students are taught the scientific data both supporting and challenging macroevolution, do they maintain or change their beliefs over time? What empirical, cognitive and/or social factors influence students' beliefs? . . .
These events prompted me to take ID seriously, and this movement scares me. Now I feel like a jogger in the park at night who realizes that she is far too isolated and that the shadows are far too deep. At first I ignored that faint rustling behind me, convincing myself it was just wind in the leaves. Louder noises made me jump and turn around, but I saw nothing. Now I know that I and my colleagues in science are being stalked with careful and deadly deliberation. I fear my days are numbered unless I act soon and effectively. If you are reading this, the chances are that you are in the same position.
The success of the ID movement to date is terrifying.. . .
The Intelligent Design movement is a deliberate campaign to undermine the teaching of science in America,. . .
As scientists, we must stop ignoring the ID movement. It won't go away. Each of us must learn to avoid jargon in order to communicate better with the public. Every scientist should become a mentor; share your experience of the wonder and beauty of science! Finally, critically, we must expose Intelligent Design for what it really is: religious prejudice masked as intellectual freedom.
Here's an NBC report on Predator video of Osama taken in 2000, late in the Clinton administration. Don't forget to watch the efforts to excuse Clinton's administration.
It's no longer creeping. It's now in full gallop. This week's antics by the Democrats prove once again that there is no bottom to their hypocrisy.
The Fjordman says "Don't."
Poul E. Andersen, former dean of the church of Odense, Denmark, warns against false hopes of dialogue with Muslims. During a debate at the University of Aarhus, Ahmad Akkari, one of the Muslim participants, stated: “Islam has waged war where this was necessary and dialogue where this was possible. A dialogue can thus only be viewed as part of a missionary objective.”Americans lulled into the politically correct dogma that dialogue is better than confrontation, are likely to wake up too late to the fact that their own government is opposed to their religious freedom.
When Mr. Andersen raised the issue of dialogue with the Muslim World League in Denmark, the answer was: “To a Muslim, it is artificial to discuss Islam. In fact, you view any discussion as an expression of Western thinking.” Andersen’s conclusion was that for Islamists, any debate about religious issues is impossible as a matter of principle. If Muslims engage in a dialogue or debate on religious subjects, this is for one purpose only: To create more room for Islam.
Where did he think he was, Wisconsin? Obviously, BYU cares more about its reputation than some other schools.
If you need more proof that BDS is real, here it is! The Vast Rightwing Conspiracy is still after the Clinton's. I never saw any conservatives as paranoid over the Clintons than they are themselves.
The attacks on Wal-Mart seem to have replaced those on Halliburton, except for this one. I wonder who's next.
My favorite channels on TV have been the Discovery Networks Science Channel and the History and History International Channels. But they're now running documentaries like "What you need to know about global warming" with Tom Brokaw standing in for Al Gore, and now Ted Koppel is promoting a new special called "The Price of Security," with an anxious voiceover about millions of conversations monitored and secret prisons, as if they really expect us to believe that they're just tapping random phone calls and imprisoning people they grab off the street. You just know he's going to cite the Benjamin Franklin quote about trading freedoms for security. Is there nowhere one can go to be free from these creeps?
If you can pressure the historians to leave it out, it didn't happen. Unfortunately, most of us remember it more clearly. All that needs to be pointed out is how many terrorist attacks went practically unanswered during Clinton's years in office, leading Al Qaeda to conclude that we were wimps. Does he really think that changing a docudrama five years after the fact will change that conclusion. These are the people who are always comparing America to Orwell's novel, 1984, but they're the ones insisting on redacting history.
In no instance did President Clinton or I ever fail to support a request from the CIA or US military to authorize an operation against bin Laden or al Qaeda.Nor did they ever treat the repeated attacks by Al Qaeda as anything serious enough to demand anything beyond their cursory attention. All his statement amounts to is an admission that the CIA knew better than to ask or or that it even considered Al Qaeda to be a serious threat.
Months ago I saw an Israeli system for blocking PRGs before they can reach a vehicle equipped with it. Now, NBC has reported that the Army brass have blocked purchases of it because it has a system under development with Raytheon which is supposed to do the same thing but won't be deployable until 2011. The Israeli system is ready now and has been tested, achieving 95% to 98% protection.
This. The computer mags say that you'll need a new computer to make it run with the speed you're used to. What else is new?
800 according to the prisoner swap agreement approved by the Olmert administration. That may be a true ratio, but it will prove far more expensive. Perhaps this will blow back on both sides. If the terrorists continue to take hostages with the idea of trading for prisoners, how long before the Israelis just start killing people they would have taken prisoner in the past?
Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson opposes passage of Anti-gay Marriage amendments, but his argument strikes me as fallacious. He correctly criticizes the judges who started this by entertaining suits based on the specious claim that disallowing same-sex marriage was a constitutional violation. But then opposes the only meaningful way those who disagree with such judicial activation have to counter it.
It would be altogether understandable for Congress and state legislatures to counter this constitutional excess with constitutional responses of their own. Yet it would be the wrong thing to do.I agree with him in principle, but I'm not so sure the framers really intended it the way it has turned out. They gave precious little attention to clarifying the role of the courts. The doctrine that the courts as the interpreters of the Constitution is not stated in the document. It was simply asserted by John Marshall and everybody else went along.
The Framers meant our Constitution to establish a structure of government and to provide individuals certain inalienable rights against the state. They certainly did not envision our Constitution as a place to restrict rights or enact public policies, as the Federal Marriage Amendment does.
To use the Constitution for prescriptions of policy is to shackle future generations that should have the same right as ours to enact policies of their own. To use the Constitution as a forum for even our most favored views strikes a blow of uncommon harshness upon disfavored groups, in this case gay citizens who would never see this country's founding charter as their own.So his real purpose here is to make the Gay Rights argument once more that the rest of us should validate their unions as the equivalent of a traditional marriage because the Constitution says so, and we shouldn't change it because, well, you shouldn't change the Constitution. If that sounds like a tautology, it is.
He galavanized Hugh Hewitt's audience just minutes ago explaining that he has ordered that no state personell will give Khatami an escort or provide any security services when Khatami visits Harvard where he has been, inexplicably, invited to speak. He should not have been given a visa. He's a criminal and a terrorist.
Tim Hames makes the case against "giving peace a chance" again in Iran. In this case, that would mean allowing it to develop nuclear weapons. And the U.N. is as feckless as ever.
The NYTimes faults the justice department for dropping off terrorism proseutions. Probably after they realized that Bin Laden had been tipped off that we were able to tap his satellite phone calls when it was revealed in court during the prosecution of the truck bomb attack on the WTC.
When you look at his picture does it seem to say "I'm going to go join Al Qaeda and then they'll all be sorry for treating me this way."?
AFP "reports," and John Hinderaker disputes, the claim that American Muslims are being mistreated. Frankly, I'm surprised that there hasn't been more real persecution, given their general silence on the Islamic credentials of the terrorists. CAIR seems intent on building their sense of victimhood with its repeated whining accusations. I think most Muslims just want to keep a low profile, but having a thin skin is not the best way to earn the trust and respect of the rest of us.
AFP "reports," and John Hinderaker disputes, the claim that American Muslims are being mistreated. Frankly, I'm surprised that there hasn't been more real persecution, given their general silence on the Islamic credentials of the terrorists. CAIR seems intent on building their sense of victimhood with its repeated whining accusations. I think most Muslims just want to keep a low profile, but having a thin skin is not the best way to earn the trust and respect of the rest of us.
One of the problems the current activists running the Democrats is their cocooning. They think they're winning because "everybody" says so. That's why so many of them still think Bush wasn't elected. They don't know anybody who voted for him.
THERE HAVE BEEN a number of criticisms lately of Bush's use of the term "Islamic fascists," notably Pat Buchanan's latest pontification. Bush has been called every name the left could think of, and the U.S. has been demonized by Muslim radicals as "The Great Satan" for at least 27 years, but publish a few cartoons or use or call the terrorists "fascists" (which, as far as I can see is a perfectly good description of how they would govern if they succeed, i.e. as dictators), and the pundits go nuts.
Fareed Zakaria poohpoohs concerns over Admadinejad's threats. How much is he willing to bet?
Leopard Slugs are the ones to show your kids if you want them to practice abstinence.
Tim Blair has a round up of reaction. Irwin, aka The Crocodile Hunter, was famous for his infectious enthusiasm and his catchword, "Crikey!" In one report, his producer is quoted saying "We were in the Cairns, Port Douglas area shooting a documentary for Animal Planet called Ocean's Deadliest, which was basically looking at things that can kill you in the sea." He was swimming over a stingray and it struck him, piercing his heart.
Jeff Goldstein's Report from the Rocky Mountaing blogbash convinced me that I lack one basic ingredient of a hip blogger. I don't drink. I have never been drunk. And I don't think I'd enjoy getting drunk, or dealing with it the next morning.
The Iraqi Prime Minister has ordered the Kurds to raise the national flag in their territory. I'd say they should be allowed to fly both flags together.
How can Newsweek call it a "secret" report when it's blabbing it to the whole nation?
The NYTimes is channeling Emily Litella regarding its part in the Plame affair. But some of its columnists are still in denial. Paul Krugman seems to think it was a pretty good thing that the public's faith in the Bush administration's integrity has been damaged, even if it was due to Armitage and Powell. Hey, they're part of the administration too. But how he transfers their lack of honor to Bush, Cheney, Rove and Libby isn't clear. As the WaPo pointed out recently, the ones most to blame for damage to Plame's career are herself and her husband, Joe Wilson. Of course, the Times' publishing of his charges and its demand for a special prosecutor had a lot to do with the magnitude of the fiasco.
The Times of London reports that friends of Hillary are saying she might bail out of the presidential race.
"I would not be surprised if she were to decide that the best contribution she can make to her country is to forget about being president and become a consensus-maker in the Senate," said a leading Democratic party insider. “She believes there is no trust between the two political sides and that we can’t function as a democracy without it.”Well, she's right about the lack of trust, but I doubt that anybody is going to be able to pry the anti-Bush, anti-war loonies away from their conspiracy theories, their imagined grievances, their suspicion. This is going to have to burn itself out. And if they win back the House, it's going to take longer.