My sister used to warn me about the International Bankers' conspiracy.
But I didn't listen. Now, I'm beginning to see what she was talking about. She just didn't tell me that the MSM was in on it.
Strutting and fretting in an insane world.
But I didn't listen. Now, I'm beginning to see what she was talking about. She just didn't tell me that the MSM was in on it.
K-Lo at the Corner alerts us to Ted Kennedy's statement on supporting a filibuster of Alito:
Other than voting to send our men and women to war, there is no more important vote in the Senate than our vote on a Supreme Court nominee. This is a vote of a generation and a test of conscience. Judge Alito does not share the values of equality and justice that make this country strong. He does not deserve a place on the highest court of the land.Subtext: Hey, it worked on Bork! Actually he doesn't care about future generations so much as he cares about making them smaller!
We owe it to future generations of Americans to oppose this nomination. If Judge Alito is confirmed, he will serve on the court long after President Bush leaves office, and the progress of half a century on the basic rights of all Americans is likely to be rolled back. He's the wrong Justice for justice and the rule of law in America.
I'd say Bevis and Butthead was a better comparison. Paris and Nicole may be airheaded floozies, but at least they're eye candy.
Robert C. Byrd endorses confirmation of Judge Alito. And I thought he was losing his edge.
Say, you don't think Bill Clinton would appear on . . . ?
You're not the fastest, nor the most nimble, but you're cute and you have style. You're not intensely competitive, but when you pass by, everyone turns to look.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Something tells me you'll be flattered, no matter what you say. After all, they're all sportscars.
Boy, I don't feel all that cute or even moderately fast. Maybe I need a valve job. The only way I'd turn heads would to be if I came in chrome yellow.
I just heard a caller, Mike the Liberal, call into the Medved program where Fred Barnes was plugging his new book. His first question was "Are you delusional?" Now that'll open up the discussion. That's what I see mostly from liberals--insults replacing arguments, accompanied by a failure to realize that there is a different. Thus anyone who doesn't share their orthodoxy is delusional. But if someone were truly delusional, would he know it? One might as well say, "No. Are you?"
Glenn Reynolds, as usual, goes right to the heart of the "interactivity" debate over blogging:
I love open comments, just as I love free beer, free pizza, and other giveaway goods. But I'm not entitled to them. And those who partake, I think, owe a certain degree of civility to their hosts.Indeed.
In an age where there's less control, I think that such informal measures matter more, not less.
how liberals have discovered that Sandra Day O'Connor was really a great pick after all?
I just saw an ad for the Karaoke Channel! Yikes!
I saw a guy in green camo fatigues at the grocery store, an obvious serviceman. I didn't know him, but I interrupted his conversation to tell him thanks. I really love those guys, and wish I'd been good enough to get in when I was their age. I got choked up and still do just thinking about it. I'd salute every one of 'em.
Freedom of speech, which was always about political speech, is showing signs of returning from it's long exile in the name of keeping money out of politics. Years ago, I attended a school for candidates, where I learned some of the basic political facts of life. Rule One was "Money is the mother's milk of politics." It's true and you can't change it. The trick is getting more small donations and fewer George Soroses and Hollywood bankrollers. Let's hope the tide is turning with W's appointees.
He's got the NAACP disease, and CNN is enabling his ravings. The phrase, "Shut up and sing!" comes to mind.
I just happened onto The Blues Brothers" on AMC. I'd forgotten what made it such a great feel-good movie. Ray Charles, the old 1960s skinny ties and the music. The rest of it is just an excuse to celebrate the R&B culture from my teen years. That's what Animal House was really about as well: John Belushi taking the guitar away from the folksinger and smashing it.